Brother-in-Law Wrecks Our Home During Vacation—But Karma Struck Before We Could

Brother-in-Law Wrecks Our Home During Vacation—But Karma Struck Before We Could

My BIL Destroyed Our House While We Were on Vacation – Karma Got Him Before We Could Confront Him

I realized something was seriously wrong when I noticed our front door ajar and rubbish all over the porch. However, nothing could have prepared me for the turmoil that ensued within or for the unexpected course of events.

I perched on the edge of the bed and stared out the window, allowing the quiet to be filled with the gentle hum of the city. While my spouse, Ethan, was occupied in the other room packing our bags, my thoughts were elsewhere. I was consumed with thoughts of how our lives differed from his brother Stan’s.

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Our lives had been completely constructed by Ethan and me. Although we were not wealthy, we were also not in hardship. Our small yet comfortable home was a haven of love and many good memories for us. It served as our haven.

Even though his family was well off, Ethan had always aspired to be independent. Even when his father, Howard, almost pushed him to join the family business, he worked hard and never asked for favors.

Stan, though, well, that was a whole different story. He prospered from the extravagances that came with their father’s wealth. Stan, after all, had never held a legitimate job except helping their father.

And he didn’t actually “work” there either. All he did was turn up, smile, and take pleasure in the benefits of being the boss’s son. opulent vehicles, private events, and high-end apparel. He cherished everything about it.

However, it went beyond material possessions. Stan acted carelessly. He possessed an almost delusional feeling of entitlement. He didn’t ask questions when he got what he wanted.

I grumbled and ignored such ideas. Ethan prodded his head inside. As he closed the last suitcase, he inquired, “You ready?”

“Almost,” I forced a smile and said. “Just considering how wonderful it will be to take a brief vacation. This is something we both need.”

He grinned in return. “Yeah, we really do.”

We had just a week to go before our trip began. a unique diversion from the routine of life.

But my stomach fell seven days later when we pulled into the driveway.

Cans and bottles as well as other rubbish were strewn all over the porch, and the front door was slightly ajar.

“Ethan…” I held his arm and whispered. “What happened?”

His expression grew serious. He opened the door without saying anything, and we entered. The scent of burning stuff, smoke, and old beer filled the air. I blinked, attempting to interpret what I was seeing.

I watched Ethan struggle to piece together what had happened, and panic swelled up inside of me. He had our trust. I mumbled, “We need answers,” and I called my mother-in-law.

The second ring reached her ears. Despite the fury that was building on our end, she said in a calm and lovely voice, “Aubrey, honey, how was your trip?”

I cut you off, Celeste. “Do you know where Stan is?” I asked. The house is completely damaged, and we just arrived home.”

I grabbed the phone, my heart pounding, waiting for Celeste to tell Stan what in the world had happened. Though scenarios were racing through my head, nothing could have prepared me for what she was going to say next.

“Oh, you don’t know?” Speaking in a tone far too composed for the occasion, Celeste said. “First of all, congrats on getting a new house, and second, you won’t be seeing Stan for a while because, well, he’s unavailable.”

“Unavailable?” I repeated, still not quite getting it. “What do you mean?”

She paused for a moment before speaking again, as if she was gathering her thoughts or perhaps attempting to downplay the information she was going to give me.

With a tone that was equal parts anger and relief, she remarked, “After one of his infamous parties, Stan forgot to turn off the gas in your kitchen.” It resulted in a little explosion.”

It seemed as though the ground had been torn away from under me. “A blast? “Celeste, there is damage in our kitchen!”

“I know, sweetheart, I know.” She groaned, as if she were speaking of a disobedient child who had created yet another disaster.

“Your father-in-law discovered Stan intoxicated and insane in your home. Although the explosion was small, it frightened him enough for him to act at last. Stan has been, well, let’s say that his executive days are over. Howard is tired of being alone.”

My blood boiling, I pressed the phone closer to my ear. “What do you mean ‘had enough?’ What exactly did Howard do?”

This time, Celeste didn’t think twice. Howard downgraded him. Stan will no longer be his right-hand man. He is going to work for the corporation as a truck driver. He’s heading out on a month-long journey with Howard. It’s meant to instill in him a sense of accountability.”

Celeste wasn’t done, though. “Well, sweetheart, there’s more. Stan was supposed to receive an expensive new house from your father-in-law as a thank you for his hard work. But he’s decided it’s yours instead after all this turmoil. Howard stated that you two are more deserving.

I almost dropped the phone. “What?”

Celeste responded, “You heard me right,” her voice becoming softer. “You own it. The paperwork will soon be organized. Aubrey, congratulations.”

I grabbed the phone with trembling hands as I stood there in stunned stillness. With a mix of perplexity and optimism on his face, Ethan turned to face me. “What did she say?”

In an attempt to center myself, I inhaled deeply. “The house, the one Howard was going to give to Stan, is ours now.”

Ethan’s gaze expanded. “What? Are you really real?”

I slowly nodded. She did say that we would be receiving the house. Karma, I suppose.”

Neither of us said anything for a moment. The realization of what had transpired was beginning to set in.

Stan had destroyed our home, set it on fire, and left it in shambles, but we had managed to escape unscathed. I wasn’t going to question it even though it didn’t make logic.

Ethan leaned against the counter, finally releasing the breath he had been holding. “This is unbelievable. Although it’s what he deserves, I wasn’t prepared for this.

“Neither did I.” I shook my head, thinking too much. “Ethan, I was furious with him. I still am. However, this goes beyond that. He has been leading this careless life for years, and now he must deal with the fallout.”

Gradually, Ethan nodded, his shoulders becoming less tense. “He does. However, I’m still unsure of how we’re going to clean this up.” He pointed to the debris surrounding us.

Despite everything, I let out a little crazy laugh. “Well, at least we have a new house to look forward to.”

Finally, Ethan gave a little smile. Yes. A brand-new home.” With a disbelieving shake of his head. “I guess we should call Dad and thank him, huh?”

I released my breath slowly. Yes. However, I believe I should sit down first.”

The chair in the corner was the only piece of furniture that wasn’t broken, so we both fell into it. We just sat there for a minute, engulfed in Stan’s mess, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Squeezing my hand, Ethan extended his arm. “I guess karma’s got a way of working things out.”

With a hushed “Yeah,” I looked around at the mayhem. “It really does.”

After the first shock subsided, I understood that although Stan had damaged our house, he had not ruined us. We were actually leaving with more than we had anticipated. a brand-new home. a new beginning.

And perhaps, just possibly, Stan too needed this as a wake-up call.

Ethan mumbled, “Let’s just hope he learns from this.”

Despite not holding my breath, I nodded. “We’ll see.”

Do you believe karma was at work in this situation? Tell me what you think!