Eight Years Later, I Found My Fiancé as a Beggar — The Truth Behind His Disappearance

Eight Years Later, I Found My Fiancé as a Beggar — The Truth Behind His Disappearance

Eight years had passed since my fiancé, Daniel, vanished without a trace on our wedding day. I never imagined I’d cross paths with him again, let alone as a homeless man on the streets. When our eyes met, a wave of disbelief washed over me. His unexpected appearance and the shocking explanation he gave left me questioning everything I thought I knew about my past and the people I once trusted.

“Come on, Nina, just one more slice of pizza before you go,” my old friend Eric said, grinning mischievously.

“No way,” I said, laughing, “I have to get to my flight.” Remember to take a stroll across Central Park?”

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Eric waved me away, rolling his eyes. “Fine, but you’ll regret missing out on another slice of genuine New York pizza when you’re back in boring old St. Louis,” he joked.

I laughed softly, embraced him, and began my walk toward Central Park, savoring the last moments of this nostalgic trip. New York always had a way of energizing me, yet it also stirred old memories, especially of Daniel. Thoughts of him lingered in the back of my mind, leaving me with an odd, unsettled feeling.

It had been a whirlwind of a weekend. I spent hours wandering through the boutiques in SoHo, indulging in luxury clothes and quirky accessories. The rich smell of leather from the designer handbags still lingered in my memory. The day’s highlight was a trendy café where I enjoyed a delicious avocado toast.

The perfect end to the day was dinner with Eric at a stylish rooftop bar, gazing out at the city’s glowing skyline. I felt completely immersed in the vibrant energy of New York, with its sights, sounds, and flavors.

I thought I had moved on from that fateful day eight years ago. But then, I saw him.

He was there, appearing unkempt and begging like a ghost from the past, perched on a seat. My heart gave out. Is Jacob, my long-lost fiancé, really there? I have to be aware.

“Jacob?” I took a cautious approach.

His eyes widened with recognition as he looked up. “Nina? Whoa, it’s you again.”

“Yeah, it’s me,” I answered, attempting to maintain my composure. “What happened to you?”

His eyes fell, humiliation on his face. “The tale is lengthy. Is it possible for us to speak?”

After a moment of hesitation, I nodded as my curiosity overcame me. “All right. Let’s grab a bite to eat.

With every step we took towards a local café, our uneasy silence grew. I looked at Jacob, who appeared to be deep in contemplation, and placed an order for two coffees and two burgers.

I gave him his cup and felt a flash of memory go through me as our fingers briefly touched. Stepping back into the park, we discovered a bench beneath a massive oak tree and took a seat, with the city erupting all around us.

“Begin at the beginning,” I remarked while sipping my coffee.

Jacob inhaled deeply. Two men entered my room two hours before we were married. They stated they were sent by your father.”

“My father?” Startled, I repeated.

“Yes,” he went on, “they took me away and beat me until I lost all memory.” I eventually started to travel, and now this.”

I looked at him, sadness and disbelief blending together. “Are you saying my father did this?”

“That’s what I’m saying,” Jacob said, his eyes begging me to take him seriously.

Shaking my head, I tried to take it all in. “They beat you up and then what?”

“They battered me till my memory failed me. I was injured and confused when I woke up in a hospital. Jacob shook his head and continued, “The doctors say I had amnesia. “I was so ignorant of my own name. I was hospitalized for a while before being released once my health stabilized. There was nowhere for me to go. No life, no career, and no recollection.”

As he went on, I could see the anguish in his eyes. “I couldn’t go on without a past. I strolled about the city, attempting to put the pieces of my identity together. Depression resulted from the uncertainty and anxiety. I was unable to find employment and pay for housing. I ended up here, living day by day, after taking one terrible step that led to another.”

He steadied himself by inhaling deeply. Some memories have started to resurface recently, but it feels impossible to grasp smoke. Our aspirations and our shared lives are all so fragmented in my memory.”

My heart hurt to hear this. Forces beyond his control had reduced the guy I once loved to this. “Jacob, I’m at a loss for words. Everything about this is so daunting.”

He nodded, perceiving my difficulty. “I understand, Nina. There’s a lot to process. However, I’m delighted I could share this with you now so you can comprehend what transpired.”

We sat silently for a while, allowing his words to really sink in. I stared at the man who had previously assured me that we would live together forever; he was a shell of the man he had been.

At last, I responded, “I don’t know what to believe.”

Silently, Jacob answered, “I get it. “But I needed you to know.”

In silence, each engrossed in his own thoughts, we completed our meal. As I stood to go, I glanced at Jacob who was still seated on the bench.

I whispered, “Jacob, take care.”

“You too, Nina,” he said without looking directly at me.

I left with a heart full of unanswered feelings. I was thinking back over our talk when it dawned on me that I had left my bag on the bench beside Jacob.

I hurried back in a panic and discovered it exactly where I had left it. I had not anticipated the direction my weekend in New York had taken, and I had no idea what to do.

I tried to forget about the experience by exploring the city for the remainder of the evening. The commotion, the crowds, and the lights of Times Square all seemed far away. Jacob’s story kept coming back to me.

“Hey, Nina, you alright?” I was back in Eric’s apartment when I heard his voice, bringing me back to the present.

“Yeah, just… a lot on my mind,” I forced a smile and answered. “I decided not to take that flight home yet.”

With alarm, he said, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I did, in a sense,” I said. “I ran into Jacob.”

Eric’s eyes got bigger. “Jacob? Jacob, yours?”

Yes, he is a mess. He told me a wild tale about how my dad had abducted him.”

Eric gave a headshake. “That seems absurd. You accept him?”

“I’m not sure,” I moaned. “It’s too much to take in.”

“Look, how about staying one extra day? Before you go off again, clean your mind,” Eric said.

Despite how tempting the offer was, I answered, “I can’t.” “I need to go home and sort this out.”

“Okay,” Eric hugged me and said. “But tell me if you need anything.”

Rather than going straight to the airport the following morning, I ended up back at Central Park. The exchange with Jacob kept repeating itself in my head. I needed to know more before I could go out of town. It might have been curiosity or a need for resolution.

I strolled around the park, wishing to run into Jacob once more. I felt a surge of emotion as I walked by the bench where we had been sitting. I took a seat and began to try to put things together.

I sat on the seat feeling uneasy, and I couldn’t get rid of it. The tale of Jacob tore at me. It was too precise to be a lie, but too wild to be true. I required clarification.

“Hello, Dad?” I wanted some clarification, so I called my father.

“What’s wrong, Nina? You seem agitated,” he answered.

I said, “I ran into Jacob,” as I heard the person on the other line gasp in sharply.

“That man has the nerve to show his face?” Dad had a chilly voice.

I shouted out, “He told me you had him kidnapped on our wedding day.”

He said, “That’s absurd,” but his voice trailed off somewhat.

“Is it? He said he had amnesia as a result of you hiring goons to beat him up. He’s adrift and homeless in New York City right now.”

“Absurd. Nina, I paid him to get out of here. My father’s tone was critical and defensive, saying, “He took the money and ran.”

I murmured, “So, you did interfere,” as my rage increased.

Yes, but in your best interest. He said, “He wasn’t the proper man for you.

As I said, “I can’t believe you,” tears started to form in my eyes. “You ruined everything.”

“Nina, please, I did it to protect you,” he begged, but by the time he finished speaking, I had put my phone in my backpack.

I sat thinking about what to do for a long while. Then it dawned on me to give Eric a call and ask if I may visit the city for an extended period of time. My heartbeat accelerated as I fumbled through my bag for my phone.

I had carefully placed my handbag inside, but it was gone. Then it dawned on me: the bag had been between Jacob and me on the bench yesterday when we spoke. It was as if someone had punched me in the stomach. Was my purse stolen by him then? Already brittle, my trust was entirely destroyed.

I mumbled, “Damn it,” as I was overcome with panic. I searched my purse frantically, thinking maybe I had misplaced it, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I had a chilly epiphany. After I had left it on the bench, Jacob must have snatched it.

How was he able to do this? Was all he said a fabrication? I experienced a renewed sense of betrayal, from both my father and Jacob.

“Excuse me, miss, is everything alright?” With concern in his eyes, a bystander inquired.

I groaned and said, “Not really, but I’ll manage.”

I got to my feet, prepared for whatever was next. Though the ugly head of the past had reared its head, I refused to let it dictate my future. It was time to take a step forward and proceed.

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