Surprise Visit Gone Wrong: Finding My Ex-Husband Sleeping in My Mom’s Bedroom

Surprise Visit Gone Wrong: Finding My Ex-Husband Sleeping in My Mom’s Bedroom

Iplanned to surprise my mother with an unannounced visit, but I was completely stunned when I walked in and found my ex-husband asleep in her bedroom. It was the last thing I expected and left me reeling in disbelief.

The real shock came when I arrived to surprise my mom on her birthday. As I unlocked her bedroom door, I was stunned to find my ex-husband napping in her bed. Could they really be together?

Hi there! As a nice daughter, I, Tara, chose to surprise my mother on her birthday. The small things matter, don’t they?

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I picked up a fresh bouquet of daisies from the flower shop where I work, knowing how much she adores them. As I drove to her house, the sweet scent of the flowers filled the car. Even though I knew Mom would be at work, I used my spare key to let myself in.

But I was instantly perplexed when I threw open the door, roses in hand.

Why were men’s shoes located near the entrance?

Mom has been a widow for many years, so I felt a wave of dread come over me. Have I spotted her seeing another man? That would be really uncomfortable!

As I cautiously moved farther inside, I heard my mother’s bedroom snoring loudly and rhythmically—a MALE. That person was who?

I never imagined she would move on. Her devotion to her father seemed too strong for that to happen, but perhaps it was time for a change.

Give up. That implied that she hadn’t left for work? Did she go out with her new man for the day?

What a pleasure!

I smiled slyly and slyly made my way over to the bedroom door, softly pushing it open. I refused to see her new partner. Okay, perhaps. Not really.

All I wanted to do in the late afternoon was check if she was sleeping as well. Unfortunately, though, I did see this man, and my heart froze.

My ex-husband was lying there, spread out on my mother’s bed. HE IS MY EX-HUSBAND! Identify him as Luther.

I had eyes I couldn’t believe. It had the feel of a cruel joke gone awry. My own ex was the target of my mom’s covert late-afternoon meetings!

Had she been having secret affairs with him? Was this the reason she was so opposed to me seeing him again?

The audacity of both of them!

I was upset, angry, and betrayed. Even though I really wanted to yell and say something, I couldn’t bring myself to do so.

I quietly closed the door and backed out of the room as stealthily as I had entered. Feeling that the daisies didn’t quite fit, I set them on the kitchen counter. Then I wandered around the living room for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do next.

Do I need to wake him up? Shall I go now and act like I didn’t see anything?

Not at all!

I required clarification.

But I was unwilling to speak with him. In theory, Luther wasn’t related to me because he was my ex-husband. He could sleep with anybody he pleased and owed me nothing.

But my mother was a different story.

It would have been better if I had waited for her to get home from work so I could speak with her first or confront them both at once.

However, one thing was certain: I would not allow them to get away with this. That is, whatever “this” was.

I was still unable to comprehend the circumstances. Could it be that I’m misinterpreting?

My impatience increased as time seemed to go more slowly. I began chewing my nails and tapping my foot on my mom’s hardwood floorboards.

I doubted that I could hold out for much longer.

But just as I thought I was going to go utterly crazy, I heard Mom’s car pull into the driveway.

My throat was invaded by my heart. It was time to have the talk. Was I prepared at all?

Mom entered, her face bright and welcoming.

When I saw her, I realized that I was meant to be here to celebrate her birthday, but all I could see on my face was guilt.

“Honey, are you come to astonish me? She laughed, “You shouldn’t have parked your car in front,” but as soon as she saw my look, her smile vanished. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?!” I nearly cried out. “I’ll explain the issue to you! “Why is my former spouse occupying your bed?”

Mom’s gaze got bigger. “Oh my god,” she exclaimed. “It’s not what it looks like!”

“What is it, then?!” I thought I was going to go insane.

Fortunately, Mom spoke up quickly and addressed the matter at hand.

She informed me that yesterday night, my ex-husband had come up at her house absolutely inebriated and blubbing about how much he missed me.

How come?

It seems that he had believed that I continued to live with her. Upon Luther and my first divorce, I briefly moved in with Mom.

His error, I suppose, made sense.

Regardless, he must have gone into my mom’s room in his inebriated haze, but she didn’t have the heart to turn him away and allowed him nap on the couch.

That implied Luther had spent nearly the whole day dozing off in Mom’s bed!

“Why did you even let him in?” Furious, I asked. “You’ve been telling me not to get back with him, despite my doubts.”

Muttering, “Luther was heartbroken, sweetie,” Mom bit her lower lip. “He claimed that letting you go was the worst decision of his life. I was unaware that he was experiencing conflict as well.”

Despite my disbelief, my mother’s genuine remarks appeared to take the edge off of my rage. Instead, I was worn out. Too exhausted, almost.

After giving the whole matter some thought, I couldn’t help but laugh nervously since it was all so ludicrous and silly.

“It’s unbelievable that Luther came here,” I said as I collapsed onto Mom’s couch.

“Well, if both of you are having doubts or regrets about the divorce,” Mom softly replied. “Maybe you should sit and talk.”

Pay attention to him? Following what he’d made me endure? Whether I was prepared for that, I wasn’t sure.

Our divorce had a convoluted motive. In essence, though, his job stood in the way of us creating our shared destiny. We also couldn’t agree on when to start a family.

It seemed wise at the time to go our separate ways and create our own paths before we became bitter or hateful of one another.

Perhaps Mom was correct. Perhaps I had a duty to hear Luther out, both to him and to myself. I had to wake him up first, though.

I said, “Mom, I’m going to go wake him up,” and dashed into the kitchen.

Then, with a glass of ice water, I carefully made my way back to my mother’s bedroom.

Still lying on the bed, my ex-husband was dozing lightly. I then inhaled deeply and doused his face in water.

Luther woke up like a crazy person, yelling and fumbling with the bed’s linens. He yelled, wiping his face and glanced around him bewildered, “What the—?”

“Get up and shine, lazyhead,” I scoffed and crossed my arms.

After blinking a couple of times, his eyes grew wide with recognition. He moaned, “Oh my god,” as he completed wiping the water.

He scowled, peered about the space, and at last became aware of his location.

I steeled myself and took a seat on the side of the bed. “Care to explain what you’re doing in my mom’s bed?”

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” Luther straightened up and shook his head.

My ex-husband paused to inhale deeply before continuing. He told me what had happened the night before, and it was exactly what Mom had described.

But after Luther finished going over everything in detail, he opened up to me completely.

Luther acknowledged that he was inebriated and embarrassed himself, but he also expressed his sadness for our divorce and his desire for another opportunity.

He repeatedly cleared his throat, saying, “I know I messed up, not prioritizing you and our possible, future family.”

It wasn’t just him. I was also starting to feel emotional.

Grabbing my hands, he said, “I hurt you because I was an idiot.” “But my love for you never wavered. It took me a while to realize how much I had messed up.”

I listened to him, and with every word, my heart grew softer. He was obviously sorry, and his regrets were the same as mine. Maybe we’d gotten divorced too soon.

His eyes, full of the tears he longed to cry, begged, “Please, is there any chance we can try again?”

“I appreciate you saying all that,” I replied. “But attempting once again… I mean, words alone won’t be enough to make up for everything we endured.”

He gave a nod. “I am aware. I’m prepared to go above and beyond.”

I sighed, got up from the bed, and clapped. “Okay,” I said. We should have time to discuss later, I believe. My mom’s birthday is tonight, so we’re all heading out to supper.”

With a smile on his face, my former partner confirmed that my emotions for him were strong.

So, to honor Mom, the three of us went to a classy restaurant. We got used to it over the evening, but it was initially a little awkward.

This felt right because my ex-husband was such a big part of my family for a long time. Perhaps we could pull it off.

Indeed, we did.

We resumed dating after attending treatment, and we had to retrain our communication and mutual trust skills. Although it wasn’t always simple, this time we were dedicated.

We had a short ceremony with our closest friends and family when we remarried a year later. Although it wasn’t as grandiose as our previous wedding, it was nevertheless ideal in its own right.

And here we are, years later, with two children, happy than ever.

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