Is it wrong that I ruined my son’s wedding?

Is it wrong that I ruined my son’s wedding?

My son went from being a young husband and father to being a cheater and neglectful father. When my grandson was born with Down syndrome, Mike took it upon himself to ruin his relationship with Tommy’s mother, Jane. And then he left us. Only now am I learning that he is remarrying.

I know that as mothers we are supposed to motivate and support our children. I agree with that wholeheartedly. And that is why I believe my actions were justified.

Here’s the backstory. My son Mike got married when he was very young because his then-girlfriend Jane got pregnant. It was rushed, but I liked Jane from the first moment I met her. She was the typical girl next door, and I was happy for Mike.

A few months later, sweet little Tommy – my first grandchild – was born! He was born with Down syndrome and had the most beautiful blue eyes ever. But Tommy’s birth with Down syndrome changed everything for Jane and Mike. Mike started cheating on her and, despite their history together, he eventually filed for divorce.

Baby clothes | Source: Pexels

Baby clothes | Source: Pexels

Mike left Tommy alone with Jane to look after him. Of course, I was still there and would always do anything to help them both. But it wasn’t the same. A child needs both parents – assuming they were alive.

But Mike didn’t bother to see his baby or help him in any way. I couldn’t believe my son could be so heartless.

I begged him to come back or at least help Jane. But he always slammed the door in my face.

And then things got more and more complicated.

Cake topped with fruits | Source: Pexels

Cake topped with fruits | Source: Pexels

Last month my nephew Liam came by to pick up a cake for his mum – I’m the baker in the family – and he told me that Mike was getting remarried.

I was amazed.

Admittedly, I knew very little about Mike at that moment. I didn’t know anything about his new job or who he was with. All I knew now was that Mike had found some poor girl who wanted to marry him. And that I wasn’t invited. I asked Liam for the address and he gave it to me without hesitation.

All I could think about was Jane and Tommy. Since when had Mike become such a different person?

Let’s fast forward to the wedding.

Wedding sign with plants | Source: Pexels

Wedding sign with plants | Source: Pexels

I remember hearing Mike’s voice as I entered the church and he said his vows. I strolled in, Tommy on my hip, his sticky hands in my hair. The look of shock on Mike’s face will always be priceless to me.

Before you say ‘I do’ again, Michael St. John, get to know your first ‘I do’ and the family you left behind,” I said.

I turned to his poor fiancée. She was a sweet young girl and I felt terrible that she looked so distressed because of me.

Then the priest called for a break and asked the guests to go outside and have a drink before the ceremony continued. That was fine with me. As much as I wanted to embarrass Mike, I didn’t want to hurt his bride any more than necessary. But very few people walked out. Most of Mike’s family were amused by my words, while his bride’s family could barely contain their shock.

I told her everything – how he had married young, had Tommy, cheated on Jane and finally divorced her without providing any financial support for his son. I warned her about what she was getting herself into.

Divorce agreement on paper | Source: Pexels

Divorce agreement on paper | Source: Pexels

“He may be my family,” I told her as Mike paced behind her, “but I didn’t raise him to behave like this. Jane is more of a daughter to me now than Mike is a son.”

I held Tommy closer to me, my little grandson who had brought so much love into my life, while he sucked his thumb.

“Your son deserves a father who won’t abandon him. You’re awful, Mike. You’re a completely different person than the sweet boy I raised and loved more than anything.”

I walked out, leaving behind a room full of stunned guests, a son in shock, and his fiancée who had to reevaluate the man she had fallen in love with.

The next day Liam and his mother (my sister) came over for coffee.

Someone drinking coffee | Source: Unsplash

Someone drinking coffee | Source: Unsplash

Liam said Mike’s fiancée burst into tears as the church doors closed behind Tommy and me. He said she threw her bouquet at Mike, took off her shoes and left the wedding as her family ran after her.

Mike was embarrassed, angry and confused in front of the guests who sat rooted to their seats, probably waiting for Jane to show up.

I know it might seem a little drastic to ruin his wedding. I admit it. But the whole point of the whole thing was to teach Mike a valuable lesson.

Things aren’t over for him – he can still make it right for Tommy. I’m open to Mike coming back into our family as a son and father. If that’s too much for him, I’m content with him taking on some kind of financial responsibility for Tommy.

But tell me: Is it right that I ruined my son’s wedding? If so, thank you for your understanding.

If not, what would you do in my position?

Wedding dress and shoes on the floor | Source: Pexels

Wedding dress and shoes on the floor | Source: Pexels

While you’re thinking about that, I have another  story  for you: As Jane prepares to marry Anthony, she receives anonymous messages warning her not to do so. When she follows a wild scavenger hunt to a nearby hotel, she finds out the reason for the warnings.

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